Membership Terms and Conditions
Date: March 2020
Review date: March 2021
Companies house number 11744576
Universo Capoeira Ltd provides activities for its students, staff and members of the public on both membership and casual basis. These terms and conditions set out the way in which our services are delivered and what you can expect from us and members.
Students paying either for casual basis or monthly , are agree to be bound by these membership terms and conditions.
- Interpretation
Terms and conditions: means the provisions set out within this document and constitute an agreement between Universo Capoeira and the student/ purchaser (you).
Activities: means the activities carried out by Universo Capoeira for the duration of the classes, agreed by members of Universo Capoeira.
Equipment: means any equipment under the ownership of Universo Capoeira or control of Universo Capoeira or otherwise present at the facilities that is made available to the Third Party or to which the Third Party has access for use in connection with the activities.
Facilities: means the premises of the club/hall that Universo Capoeira hire to teach.
Hire Period: means any and all periods of time during which the Third Party permits Universo Capoeira to use the facilities and its equipments.
Special Event: means hire for special period only. Special celebration organised by Universo Capoeira.
Third Party: means the person, organisation, school, club, firm or company with whom the contract is made.
Casual basis: means classes paid per session.
Monthly: means classes paid per month
1 to 1: means classes paid for individual attention from instructor to student.
1.1 Words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, reference to any gender shall include the others and references to legal persons shall include natural persons and vice versa.
2.0 Membership
There is no membership joining or cancellation fee.
As part of the membership scheme, students agree to attend to the classes once or twice a week per term or per casual basis as well as pay for the insurance fee (annual or per casual basis) and enrollment provided by Universo Capoeira.
Universo Capoeira is committed to support its students during the classes in a safe and respectful environment as well as in case of any accidents that might happen during the classes.
There are 3 different types of membership available for purchase which have different prices benefits attached to them. The definition of each of the membership products is detailed here.
2.1 Casual Basis: Students attending on “casual basis membership” agree not to make use of any promotional prices / offers. Full price will be charged per session as well as insurance that can be paid daily or annual.
2.2 Once a week: Students attending on “once a week membership” agree to make use of the once a week promotional price.
2.3 Twice a week: Students attending on “twice a week membership” agree to make use of the twice a week promotional price.
Classes must be paid on the first day of attendance. If failed to do so, Universo Capoeira will accept bank transfer or payments can be accepted in the next class, if this carries on, an extra charge of 10% will be added.
Classes rules
At Universo Capoeira members are requested to preserve the
Payments for classes may be refused or cancelled , if this member is a liability to the group.
.Everyone must respect everyone
.Inappropriate language or attitude will NOT be tolerated. Instructor representing Universo Capoeira, will ask student to leave the class and probably the activity. Any fee paid will NOT be refundable.
.Members are expected to maintain a high standard of personal hygiene at all times.
.Members must wear RDA uniform in all classes. For those students that have just joined Universo Capoeira, comfortable/sporty clothing is suggested.
.Universo Capoeira would suggest its students to purchase the uniform after a month of training
.Universo Capoeira suggests its students to train bare-feet. Students who wish to train with appropriate trainers are requested to have approval by the instructor.
.Members must be responsible for their own belongings at all times. Universo Capoeira will NOT be responsible for any items lost or stolen.
.Members are expected to show a level of consideration to others during busy periods by helping colleagues with exercises provided by the instructor.
.Members are requested to report anything that they consider inappropriate.
.Members are requested to advice Universo Capoeira if they have any concerns about members of the group, premises or anything in relation.
.Members must attend any paid classes. If a member can not attend a class due to sickness or any dependent sickness, member MUST inform the instructor before the commence of the class. Instructor will be able to rearrange an alternative class. Failure to notify, might result in the member being charged for the booked class. Refund will only be granted upon doctor’s note.
.Members are advised to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the class commencing and leave the premises once the class is finished.
.Members must constantly check Universo Capoeira website for any news or updated information.
.Members must be considerate of others participants in activities alongside them.
.Members are NOT authorised to use “other” rooms or facilities where the classes are held by Universo Capoeira.
.Anyone found using equipments or facilities for other activities that are unauthorized for Universo Capoeira members, will be requested to stop immediately their activities and any further bookings will immediately be cancelled. Refunds will NOT be granted.
.Universo Capoeira is committed to have at least one instructor or a dedicated person from Universo Capoeira to lead the classes, which means that all activities provided by Universo Capoeira will always be supervised.
.If it is necessary for Universo Capoeira to cancel classes, members will be informed in time. Students may opt for a refund or a replacement class can be arranged.
. If any of the rules mentioned above are broken, the contract between Universo Capoeira and the member will be ceased. Further bookings may be cancelled and maybe asked to refrain from attending any further Universo Capoeira activities.
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