I am a professional ContraMestre and Director of Universo Capoeira Ltd.
I have been practicing Capoeira for over 30 years, 9 of which teaching this specific martial art.
I am passionate about Capoeira, I am a very dedicated instructor, patient, I enjoy sharing my skills with students, and I am adaptable and dynamic.
Instructor – Professor/Estagiario Rodrigo (Purple/White belt)
Instructor – Monitora Maisa (Green and Orange belt)
I love to assist ContraMestre Jera in the Adults and Children classes.
I started Capoeira in 1995, but was in 2011, when I started my journey as Instructor’s Assistant.
Today, I assist and teach children’s classes in different schools and places where Universo Capoeira teaches.
For me is a such pleasure to be involved in this amazing organization.
As instructor, I inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in this physically – demanding activity.
I am calm, pro-active, physically prepared, friendly and energetic
My aim is to raise pupils achievement and promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
*Please refer to the Latest News on our Home page and access some of our amazing work.